Here are the questions for this week:
1. Do you and your spouse still celebrate Valentine's Day? Yes!! I admit I am spoiled. I want SOMETHING, ANYTHING for Valentines Day and if we can have some time alone, even better!!!
2. When's the last time you licked a stamp? A few days ago. I mailed out a birthday card.
3. How many clocks are in your home? We have six clocks
4. What holiday is closest to your birthday? Christmas - 3 days before
5. Do you cook anything the same way your mother made it when you were growing up?
I sure do. She taught me everything I know. Thanks MOM!
6. Do you pay bills online? My hubby does.
7. Will you be gathering to watch the Super Bowl on Sunday? Yup! Come on over. I can't wait to taste my hubby's ribs! YUM!
8. Have you treated yourself to something this week? Yes, today I drove to Arlington and bought me a few tops. They are so CUTE!