Tuesday, January 27, 2009

What do you carry? I carry Kathy Van Zealand.

I saw this cute tag/post over at Alica's blog http://minyards7.blogspot.com/,. I thought it was cute and easy, so I decided to do it too!

Here are the rules!

1) Post a picture of whatever bag you are carrying as of late. No, you cannot go up to your closet and pull out that cute little purse you used back before you had kids. I want to know what you carried today.

2) I want to know how much it cost:) And this is not to judge, because I’m honestly telling you I was ready to put down some cash; I just got lucky. This is for entertainment purposes only. So spill it. And if there is a story to go along with how you obtained it, I’d love to hear it.

3) Tag some chicks. And link back to this post so people know why the heck you’re showing everyone your diaper bag/non-diaper bag.

I LOVE these bags! My 1st one I have been wanting for a while now and I finally got it on Friday. It's brown - You can never go wrong with the color brown, being that it's one of my favorite colors to wear! I can use it any time, and it's just the perfect size for my wallet, cell phone, and anything else I want to carry around! The only down side is that it is VERY heavy, because of the chains and charms on it but it's ok I love BLING!! As far as the price, I found it on SALE at Macy's for $65. So it was a good deal. The brand is Kathy Van Zealand.
My 2nd bag, Is actually my 2 year old daughters diaper bag, snack bag, toy bag. What ever you want to call it. It's a brown cheetah print bag with red trim so it can only be carried in the fall or winter season.
Consider yourself tagged! So..come on, show us YOUR bag!!

kathy van zealand bag - $90. Pictures, Images and Photos

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